Friday, December 1, 2017

Vitamin Packs Subscription Box Review

I was able to try a free month of Vitamin Packs to review. I am pretty big into being proactive about my health and I believe in taking daily supplements. I think it is hard to get all the required nutrition this day and age with how the food is so processed and how the soils are depleted often. I believe that vitamin supplements help me get the nutrition that I am lacking in my daily diet. I really can see the difference in my health and mindset when I take supplements. Since I am big into vitamins I was thrilled at the chance to review the Vitamin Packs subscription service.

Box:Vitamin Packs
Price: Varies depending on what vitamins you decide to get
To get started with Vitamin Packs you first take an assessment. to determine which vitamins would be beneficial for you personally. This is my favorite aspect of the Vitamin Packs subscription. They don't just send a few multi vitamins to everyone monthly, they actually asses each individual person and only send them specific vitamins based on the needs of that person. This is amazing because every person is different and has different supplementation needs.  After you take your assessment Sage which is what they call the nutritional technology they use will determine your needs. The assessment even takes into factor prescriptions you take to make sure you wont be getting any supplement that has known interactions. After your assessment comes back with your results you can even customize them again and decide if you want to remove or take out any recommendations. It also lists the price points for each vitamin so you know how much each costs and you can figure out what would work for your budget. This is amazing and such a great way to ensure being proactive about health.There are so many vitamins available it can be overwhelming knowing which ones would be best for you. The Vitamin Packs takes out all the guess work for you. After you finalize your monthly vitamin subscription your monthly subscription begins.  My subscription included two boxes: one for AM and one for PM. This is a great way to make sure you take your vitamins at the correct time since some work better at morning or night.

Here is an overview of my daily vitamins to give you an idea of what a day may look like.

Multi Vitamin
Omega 3
Enzyme Complex

Multi Vitamin
Enzyme Complex
Apple Pectin

Results: I am very happy with my experience with Vitamin Packs. I really could tell a difference when I started taking the plan that was designed for me. I am very impressed with how accurate the assessment was and how much better I feel overall. I tried many new vitamins/minerals that I had never tried before.  The enzyme complex was very helpful with digestion issues I have been having and the L-Tryptophan helped my sleep out a lot. The great part is that your vitamins can come shipped and you don't have to worry about a lapse in taking them since you will always have them. You are also able to change up your vitamin routine each month before it ships if needed. I definitely recommend trying Vitamin Packs if your someone who takes vitamins,mineral, or supplements regularly or even if your curious about trying out vitamins to see if it could assist in improving your overall health and well-being.
#trynatural #gotitfree

*I received a free month of Vitamin Packs to review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own. Please read full disclosure policy.

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