Thursday, July 13, 2017

Mindfulness Box Review June 2017

Box: Mindfulness Box
Price: $29 monthly through Crate Joy
Cancellation Policy: EASY Can cancel anytime via online account with cancellation link


      My treat to myself! I have been in (addicted) to subscription boxes for a few years now. Overtime I have kind of got to the point of having to much stuff that I don't use or just sitting around. I have since cut way back and really pick and choose if I am going to subscribe to a box. I am really trying to focus on self awareness so I love receiving my mindfulness box. It really just sets me up for reminding myself to take time and relax.

 The July box featured some amazing items as usual. Two aromatherapy items were included. The items were an organic crystal infused soy candle and a crystal infused mist. They both smell so amazing. The candle scent is so uplifting when the candle is burning. Perfect for meditation.
        The box also included brass string bells from India. These can be used as wind chimes or as a door bell. I love the sound they make. I still am working on the prefect place to enjoy them.
I am really into stones and crystals since I was an environmental science major in college. This month included a crystal window quartz(also called a seer stone). I love connecting with nature and crystals definitely help me with that.
        The last two items were a red abalone shell with a pouch of California white sage. White sage can be used for smudging which is new to me(so I am not going to give to many details and pretend I know a lot!) but it is a very empowering experience. Smudging helps remove negative energy.  The sage fits perfect in the shell and can be used together.
        Overall I love this box and as usual it made my day! This is a box that I actually enjoy and feel that it helps me focus on myself and bettering myself.
Thanks for stopping by and reading! Have an amazing day!!!
Mindfulness Box is offered through Crate Joy. If you are a new user you can save $5 on your first purchase at Crate Joy off you first $30 purchase. 

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